Pink Box Stories
Wise Heart
Revolution of the People
REST Zones
Be Well at Work
  Company:  University Health Services, Tang Center - Health Promotion  Project: # OurHouse campaign logo  Time:  Spring 2016  Details:  During Fall 2014, the UC Berkeley community suffered too many alcohol and party-related problems,
UC Berkeley Facilities Services
Filipinos for Obama
Pink Box Stories
Pink Box Stories

Company: Pink Box Stories
Project: Design logo/visual identity
Time: Summer 2018
Details: This logo was designed for Pink Box Stories, a group sharing stories of the Cambodian families behind California's donut shops, in collaboration with Gilian Navarro.

Wise Heart
Wise Heart

Company: Wise Heart
Project: Design logo/identity
Time: Summer 2017
Details: This logo was designed for Wise Heart, a counseling and consulting company for Bay Area residents who represent a diverse array of perspectives and backgrounds; adults, relational structures (couples, open arrangements, etc) and companies who are doing work that supports equity and inclusion.

Revolution of the People
Revolution of the People

Company: Revolution of the People
Project: Design 2016 logo/identity
Time: December 2016
Details: This logo was designed for Revolution of the People, a wellness and health coaching company. It was designed in Adobe Illustrator over three months in partnership with the company founder. The purpose of the brand is to advance the health of people of color/queer/low income folks by decolonizing the way we think about health. 

REST Zones
REST Zones

Company: UC Berkeley University Health Services / Associated Students of University of California (ASUC)
Project: To create a logo that promotes and destigmatizes rest and sleep for undergraduate and graduate students at UC Berkeley.
Time: Spring 2016
Details: This logo was designed to represent the Relaxation Enhancing Student and Tranquility (REST) Zones at UC Berkeley. Details about this design project >> 

REST Zones seek to create health, comfortable spaces in which students can sit, read, talk quietly with others, and take a break from the stressful pace of UC Berkeley life. Using a model of adaptive placemaking, REST Zones affordable integrate wellness promotion in existing campus buildings without the need for major structural or functional changes. Created in Adobe Illustrator. 

Be Well at Work
Be Well at Work

Company: UC Berkeley Faculty/Staff Health Services
Project: Redesign logo/identity after over 10 years of fragmented branding
Time: April 2016
Details: This logo was designed to represent a suite of health programs servicing the faculty and staff at UC Berkeley. Details about this design project >>

As the Berkeley campus began to grow, more services were added over time, causing a fragmented brand. When the University Health Services decided to redo their website, they also decided to reimagine their look and feel. Created in Adobe Illustrator. 

  Company:  University Health Services, Tang Center - Health Promotion  Project: # OurHouse campaign logo  Time:  Spring 2016  Details:  During Fall 2014, the UC Berkeley community suffered too many alcohol and party-related problems,

Company: University Health Services, Tang Center - Health Promotion
Project: #OurHouse campaign logo
Time: Spring 2016
Details: During Fall 2014, the UC Berkeley community suffered too many alcohol and party-related problems, including three student deaths and multiple hospital transports, injuries and public nuisance violations. 

UC Berkeley Facilities Services
UC Berkeley Facilities Services

Company: UC Berkeley Facilities Services (Real Estate Division)
Project: Design a logo and identity for UC Berkeley Facilities Services, newly formed in the Real Estate Division at UC Berkeley
Time: Spring 2015
Details: This logo was designed for theUC Berkeley Facilities Services. It was designed mainly for web and print. I created a logo mark up and two sublogos for the two teams: the Bear Brigade and Fast Acting Service Team. The artwork was created in Adobe Illustrator over a month’s time.

Filipinos for Obama
Filipinos for Obama

Company: KAYA | Filipinos for Obama
Project: Design 2012 logo
Time: Spring 2012
Details: This logo was designed for the 2012 KAYA | Filipinos for Obama campaign. It was designed mainly for web, but also developed this way for an easy transition to black and white and campaign material (buttons, t-shirts, etc.).