Celebrating campaigns for health-related awareness
Fiat Health: Let there be health!
Be Well Cal - Instagram account
Class of 20XX Facebook Groups
Berkeley Bragging Rights
  Company:  UC Berkeley Undergraduate Admissions  Project:   Golden Bear Blog   Time:  May 2012-November 2014  Summary:  To resolve the issue of low read rates and content quality on the student blog, I proposed a student communications internship to
UC Berkeley Admissions Social Media Copywriting
Celebrating campaigns for health-related awareness
Celebrating campaigns for health-related awareness

Company: University Health Services, Tang Center
Project: Celebrating campaigns for health-related awareness
Time: August 2016 - May 2017
Details: Over the course of the academic year, we used social media to highlight and bring awareness to national, weekly, and daily health-related campaigns.
Creative team: Ashley Villanueva, Claire Thatcher, Caitlin Appert, Kim LaPean

Details of annual awareness campaigns on social media >>

Fiat Health: Let there be health!
Fiat Health: Let there be health!

30 wellness tips in 30 days. Build health into your world every day; we'll help you by delivering a tip a day throughout the month of September. More about this campaign >> 

Be Well Cal - Instagram account
Be Well Cal - Instagram account

Company: University Health Services
Project: @bewellcal - Instagram account
Time: August 2015 - July 2017
Details: Held the creative direction for the visual platform. Worked with organization to display the health equity work we were doing in an aesthetic manner. 

Class of 20XX Facebook Groups
Class of 20XX Facebook Groups

Company: The Office of Undergraduate Admissions
Project: Class of 20XX Facebook Groups
Time: Summer 2014
Details: Admissions was using a 3rd party app at the annual rate of 20K dollars.I led a sub-committee of students and staff to create a private Facebook Group for UC Berkeley students by class year. In these groups, we encourage incoming students to post their questions or comments to the main news feed. Subject matter experts within the Division of Student Affairs are designated as administrators of the Facebook Groups and can answer questions and post information including: Admissions and Enrollment deadlines, Financial Aid information, Housing information, Cal 1 Card requirements, Cal Dining information, etc. Additionally, we hired student monitors to field questions, provide answers from the student perspective when appropriate, and flag posts for the administrators that may require staff input. We consequently created a Vice Chancellor alias account to "pin" important posts and answer any questions from an "official" viewpoint. Two years later, the membership closely reflects the campus's enrollment. 

Numbers as of Fall 2016: 

Class of 2017: 7.6K
Class of 2018: 7K
Class of 2018 Transfer: 2.9K
Class of 2019: 6.5K
Class of 2020: 5.3K
Total: 29.3K 

Berkeley Bragging Rights
Berkeley Bragging Rights

Company: The Office of Undergraduate Admissions
Project: Berkeley Bragging Rights (See full portfolio>>)
Time: Annual project; Spring 2012 and 2013 pictured
Details: As a treat for each year’s new class, I designed UC Berkeley bragging rights for admitted students, proud parents and alumni, and #BerkeleyBound prospective students. Badges designed in Adobe Illustrator and cover photos designed in Photoshop/InDesign.

  Company:  UC Berkeley Undergraduate Admissions  Project:   Golden Bear Blog   Time:  May 2012-November 2014  Summary:  To resolve the issue of low read rates and content quality on the student blog, I proposed a student communications internship to

Company: UC Berkeley Undergraduate Admissions
Project: Golden Bear Blog
Time: May 2012-November 2014
Summary: To resolve the issue of low read rates and content quality on the student blog, I proposed a student communications internship to the Director of Admissions. My proposal was approved and I hired, trained, and supervise five interns per semester to blog and assist with social media content. Collected over 70+ new blog posts, resulting in 96,000 views from October 2013 to May 2014, compared to October 2012-May 2013's 50,979 views.

UC Berkeley Admissions Social Media Copywriting
UC Berkeley Admissions Social Media Copywriting

I owned the communications strategy for the Office of Undergraduate Admissions, including their first ever social media initiative and strategy. #BerkeleyBound

Problem: The Admissions office didn’t have a social media strategy in place.
Action: Surveyed 1,200 prospective students to find out (1) what information they wanted to get from us online and (2) which platforms they wanted to to see us on.
Result: Researched, created a proposal, and launched four platforms in 2 months: Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Blog.
Summary: Launched UC Berkeley Admissions social media strategy for Facebook, Twitter, and Blog (Wordpress) in February 2012 to better inform prospective students about the application process. Since then, developed over 5K likes on Facebook, over 3K on Twitter, and 90K views/year readership on blog.

Social media copywriting highlights for UC Berkeley Admissions >>