I’ve been stuck in a creative rut lately. One way to I’ve remedied the dry spell is by writing down five ideas a day. (Credit: The Muse’s 7 Small Routine Changes That’ll Have a Huge Impact on Your Life)
At first, I came up with shallow ideas: #firstworldproblems status and more of an idea/concept than the actual execution plan. In other words, none of them would make it to Shark Tank. But now it’s day 6 and the real ideas are beginning to flow. Here’s my notebook. Note: It’s also fitting that my co-active life coach is the one that gifted me the WeWork notebook!
Some ideas worth sharing:
- A way to render music visually (think light show, perhaps with emojis) and a 15-second clip of the song. Ends with a link to purchase the track or CD. People can easily post on IG. Goal: Get people to share music! Free promotion for artists.
- A donation program for people’s old and obsolete technology. People can choose to write it off for tax purposes, get credit at Best Buy (or some other tech store), or get a small stipend. The technology will be sent to third world countries to inspire youth to get involved in STEM and improve their home country’s conditions. Name: One Man’s Trash
- A student experience coordinator/consultant for colleges. This person is not a student counselor, student advisor, or residential director, etc. This person is appointed on campus for 6 months to a year to evaluate “student success.” At the end of their term, student body will show at least a 20% increase in awareness of resources and “connectedness.” States will require this two in one audit and solution for universities and state colleges once every 5 years.
Let me know if some of these already exist. I would love to learn more about the execution and strategy!!! Have any ideas? Post them in the comments!
Ah, I feel my creative energy coming back. Cheers!